EC-1 is a futuristic concept motorcycle that runs on a compact alternative power source. Although the power source has yet to be developed, three assumptions have been made: zero emission, smaller/lighter than a combustion engine and magnetic field propulsion that drives the wheels rather then a chain or belt system.

Concept Bike.295.png

The core idea behind the concept was to create a distinct aesthetic that evokes a sense of speed and technological evolution, but still maintaining certain proportional and visual ties to the form of the current motorcycles of today.



The first objective was to establish the lines that define the overall shape. This was difficult as there was no gas tank, engine or exhaust to help define the shape. The process involved iterating between hand sketching, rough CAD, and Wacom sketching. 

Once a rough form was developed, more details had to be resolved such as the suspension, wheels, as well as a refinement of the overall form. This was done through more sketching, CAD and a 1/2 model with a mirror out of clay and wood at 1:15 scale.